Information nozzle and holder assy.
9 430 612 494
Cross reference number
Zexel num
Bosch num
Firm num
Climbing equipment may be required to access this service point. Refer to the Operation and Maintenance Manual, "Mounting and Dismounting" topic for safety information.
Before servicing/performing maintenance on the machine, electrical power must be physically disconnected; battery plugs must be disconnected from the batteries, or the trailing cable must be unplugged, and warning tags and padlocks shall be applied by a certified electrician. Certified electricians shall perform or direct any electrical work, including any energized testing, repair work in controllers, motors, or other approved compartments, and shall insure that all compartments are properly closed and inspected prior to re-energization. All applicable lock out and tag out procedures must be followed.
Observe the safe working load limits of all lifting and blocking devices and keep a safe distance from suspended/blocked loads. Personnel may be seriously injured or killed by falling loads.
Required Parts
The LFI component PMMA surface characteristics are as follows
Cover Layer
Scratch resistance
Weather resistance
Color Layer
Ultraviolet resistance
Carrier Layer
Adhesion to backing foam
Heat deformation resistance
Backing Foam
Impact resistance
Heat deformation resistanceRepair Procedure
Illustration 1 g06509785
Simulated punch hole
Illustration 2 g06509787
Location to grind off backside
Grind material off from backside
Illustration 3 g06509788
Fiberglass mat and plastic filler
Place fiberglass mat and place plastic filler on backside
Illustration 4 g06509791
Location to grind off exterior side
Grind material off from exterior side
Illustration 5 g06509792
Location to add filler on exterior side
Fill hole on exterior side with plastic filler
Illustration 6 g06510059
Exterior surface to grind flat
Grind plastic filler on exterior to achieve flat surface
Illustration 7 g06510075
Area to apply plasticiser
Apply plastic filler with plasticiser to the exterior
Illustration 8 g06510079
Exterior area to grind plastic filler containing plasticiser
Grind plastic filler containing plasticiser and also area to be painted
Illustration 9 g06510084
Exterior plastic surface painted with primer
Paint exterior with primer for plastic surfaces
Illustration 10 g06510086
Exterior plastic surface painted with top coat
Paint exterior with top coat