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Injector Nozzle 12 Pieces DLLA166S374NP6 DLLA162S384N457 DLLA161SN963 DLLA160SND249 DLLA160SND243 Diesel Pump Nozzle - (Color: DLLA160SND249)
Generic Color: DLLA160SND249
Generic Color: DLLA160SND249
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3 - Using long straps and a crane, tilt the DOC on end so the outlet with the perforated plate end is facing up. With the DOC rotated on end, locate and center the drilling template and use C-Clamps to clamp the template in place so it does not shift.
With the DOC in this position ensure that all of the inside insulation pieces and the perforated plate are still in the correct position and in place.
Reference Image 1.3.1 and 1.3.2
4 - Position a mag base drill on the drilling template. While holding the inside perforated plate in position with a piece of 2" x 4" x 8' piece of lumber or other suitable size, drill the (4) 1.25" (31.75 mm) holes using a carbide tip cutter bit. Drill through the DOC end plate and insulation making sure the carbide tip cutter bit does NOT go through the perforated plate on the inside.
Note: A Hougen magnetic base drill works best for the drilling process and use a Hougen Copperhead Carbide Tip Annular Cutter bit. Hougen p/n 18240
Once the holes are drilled through clean out the drilled material.
Change out the carbide tip hole saw bit with a 3/8" drill bit. Ensure that the mag base drill stays in the same position so the 3/8" bit is drilling in the center of the 1.25" hole.
Note: The spacer can also be inserted in the 1.25" hole to use as a template to drill the 3/8" hole.
Drill a 3/8" hole through the inside perforated plate being careful not to drill too deep. From the outside end plate, the minimum drilling depth is 45 mm and the maximum drilling depth is 150 mm.
Note: This is a two person process with one person holding the inside perforated plate in place while the other person is drilling the holes. Additionally, the drilling through DOC should be done slowly as to not bend or drill through the perforated plate.
Reference Image 1.4.1 and 1.4.2
5 - Install the 1.25" spacer and slotted washer (Pacman washer) into each of the (4) drilled holes. The slotted washer will have to be angled in with needle nosed pliers and then moved in place in order to get it in the correct location. As an alternative to using needle nosed pliers, a thin wire tie can be tied around the slotted washer and lowered into the hole out of the way until it is re-positioned on top of the spacer.
Reference Images 1.5.1 and 1.5.2
6 - Once the spacer and slotted washer (Pacman washer) are installed in the DOC, install the 1.25" washer on top of the slotted washer. The 1.25" washer needs to be coated on both sides with Loctite 2620 sealant prior to installation.
From the outside of the DOC, install (2) each of the 3/8" bolt, small bolt washer, 2" washers and Graphite gasket through the holes in the slotted washers and spacers. On the inside of the DOC install an L Angle piece onto the lower 3/8" bolt threads and then