106671-4321 ZEXEL INJECTION-PUMP ASSEMBLY Calibration Data 1066714321


Information injection-pump assembly

ZEXEL 106671-4321 1066714321
Buy INJECTION-PUMP ASSEMBLY 106671-4321 zexel genuine, new aftermarket engine parts with delivery

Cross reference number

ZEXEL 106671-4321 1066714321

Zexel num
Bosch num
Firm num
D2366T *

Calibration Data:

Adjustment conditions
Test oil
1404 Test oil
  ISO4113 or {SAEJ967d}
Test oil temperature degC   40 40 45
Nozzle and nozzle holder   105780-8140
Bosch type code   EF8511/9A
Nozzle   105780-0000
Bosch type code   DN12SD12T
Nozzle holder   105780-2080
Bosch type code   EF8511/9
Opening pressure MPa   17.2
Opening pressure kgf/cm2   175
Injection pipe
Outer diameter - inner diameter - length (mm)
mm   8-3-600
Overflow valve opening pressure kPa   157 123 191
Overflow valve opening pressure kgf/cm2   1.6 1.25 1.95
Tester oil delivery pressure kPa   157 157 157
Tester oil delivery pressure kgf/cm2   1.6 1.6 1.6
Direction of rotation (viewed from drive side)
Injection timing adjustment
Direction of rotation (viewed from drive side)
Injection order   1-5-3-6- 2-4
Pre-stroke mm   4.7 4.65 4.75
Beginning of injection position
Drive side
Difference between angles 1
Cal 1-5
deg.   60 59.5 60.5
Difference between angles 2
Cal 1-3
deg.   120 119.5 120.5
Difference between angles 3
Cal 1-6
deg.   180 179.5 180.5
Difference between angles 4
deg.   240 239.5 240.5
Difference between angles 5
Cal 1-4
deg.   300 299.5 300.5
Injection quantity adjustment
Adjusting point   A
Rack position   10.3
Pump speed r/min   700 700 700
Average injection quantity mm3/st.   145 143 147
Max. variation between cylinders %   0 -2 2
Basic   *
Fixing the lever   *
Boost pressure kPa   46.7 46.7
Boost pressure mmHg   350 350
Injection quantity adjustment_02
Adjusting point   B
Rack position   11.3
Pump speed r/min   1100 1100 1100
Average injection quantity mm3/st.   161 158 164
Max. variation between cylinders %   0 -3 3
Fixing the lever   *
Boost pressure kPa   46.7 46.7
Boost pressure mmHg   350 350
Injection quantity adjustment_03
Adjusting point   H
Rack position   5.2+-0.5
Pump speed r/min   250 250 250
Average injection quantity mm3/st.   14.5 13 16
Max. variation between cylinders %   0 -15 15
Fixing the rack   *
Boost pressure kPa   0 0 0
Boost pressure mmHg   0 0 0
Injection quantity adjustment_04
Adjusting point   I
Rack position   -
Pump speed r/min   100 100 100
Average injection quantity mm3/st.   165 160 170
Fixing the lever   *
Set the excess lever.
Boost compensator adjustment
Pump speed r/min   600 600 600
Rack position   8.2
Boost pressure kPa   14.7 12.7 16.7
Boost pressure mmHg   110 95 125
Boost compensator adjustment_02
Pump speed r/min   600 600 600
Rack position   10.3
Boost pressure kPa   33.3 33.3 33.3
Boost pressure mmHg   250 250 250
Timer adjustment
Pump speed r/min   750--
Advance angle deg.   0 0 0
Timer adjustment_02
Pump speed r/min   700
Advance angle deg.   0.5
Timer adjustment_03
Pump speed r/min   1100
Advance angle deg.   3 2.5 3.5

Test data Ex:

Governor adjustment

Test data 106671-4321
N:Pump speed R:Rack position (mm) (1)Lever ratio: RT (2)Target shim dimension: TH (3)RACK LIMIT: RAL (4)Excess fuel lever setting (5)Boost compensator stroke: BCL (6)Damper spring setting: DL (7)Microswitch adjustment unnecessary.
RT=1 TH=3mm RAL=13+-0.1mm BCL=2.1+-0.1mm DL=4.9-0.2mm

Speed control lever angle

Test data 106671-4321
F:Full speed



Test data 106671-4321
F:Full load I:Idle (1)Stopper bolt setting

a=10deg+-5deg b=34deg+-3deg

Stop lever angle

Test data 106671-4321
N:Pump normal S:Stop the pump.

a=40deg+-5deg b=73deg+-5deg


Test data 106671-4321
N:Normal B:When boosted

a=(6deg) b=(25deg)

Timing setting

Test data 106671-4321
(1)Pump vertical direction (2)Coupling's key groove position for the No. 6 cylinder's beginning of injection (3)- (4)-



If the vessel cannot continue under its own power, it is recommended that the vessel be towed. The propeller of a vessel being towed will windmill through the water. Propeller rotation causes the propeller shaft to rotate. An extended period of propeller shaft rotation without proper lubrication will damage the marine transmission shaft bearings. If pressurized oil cannot be supplied to the marine transmission shaft bearings during towing, the propeller shaft must be secured to prevent propeller shaft rotation.
Most marine transmissions can be back driven (propeller wind milling with dead engine) under the following conditions, provided that vessel speed does not exceed normal maximum propulsion speed of the vessel. For intermittent back driving, such as:* Sailboat auxiliary (short trips)* Towing purse boats in seining operations1. Start the engine and operate the marine gear in neutral, at normal oil pressure, for a minimum of five minutes. Do this once every 24 hours.2. Maintain the marine transmission oil level the same for back driving as for normal propulsion, or keep level above FULL mark on dipstick.3. Make sure the marine transmission is in neutral while the craft is being towed. For continuous back driving, such as:* Sailboat auxiliary (long trips)* Towing to deliver a boat* Towing home a boat with engine trouble (long trip-more than a day)1. Operate in neutral with oil at normal oil pressure for a minimum of five minutes every 12 hours.2. Fill the marine gear with oil until the oil level touches the input shaft on the engine centerline.3. Make sure the marine transmission is in neutral while the craft is being towed.Securing the Propeller
Reverse wind milling can cause engine damage. The best way to prevent reverse wind milling is to secure the propeller. If possible, lock the propeller shaft to prevent rotation.After the propeller shaft has been secured, have the towing vessel travel at slow speed in order to minimize the wind milling force on the propeller. If the vessel is being towed and the marine transmission is allowed to windmill for long periods, the engine must be started and the marine transmission operated for five minutes every 12 hours to lubricate the propeller shaft bearings.There are several ways of preventing propeller shaft rotation. The correct method depends upon the turning force of the propeller, and the construction of the propeller shaft tunnel. Use the method best suited for the type of installation.Propeller Shaft Wrapping
1. On small vessels, wrap a heavy rope around the propeller shaft. The number of wraps needed will depend upon the mass of the propeller and propeller shaft.2. Secure the rope in the opposite direction of propeller shaft rotation.Securing the Companion Flange
1. Remove one or more bolts from the companion flange coupling. Bolt a chain to the companion flange. Wrap the chain several times around the propeller shaft.2. Secure the loose end of the chain at a right angle to the propeller shaft and in the opposite direction of propeller shaft rotation.

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