101642-2010 ZEXEL 9 400 610 357 BOSCH INJECTION-PUMP ASSEMBLY 9400610357 1016422010 220201230a


Information injection-pump assembly

BOSCH 9 400 610 357 9400610357
ZEXEL 101642-2010 1016422010
HINO 220201230A 220201230a
Buy INJECTION-PUMP ASSEMBLY 101642-2010 zexel genuine, new aftermarket engine parts with delivery

Service parts 101642-2010 INJECTION-PUMP ASSEMBLY:

1. _
2. FUEL INJECTION PUMP 101064-0130
3. GOVERNOR 105402-0590
4. SUPPLY PUMP 105210-4381
6. COUPLING PLATE 105661-4010
8. _
9. _
10. NOZZLE AND HOLDER ASSY 105141-1610
11. Nozzle and Holder 6-051-17590-1
12. Open Pre:MPa(Kqf/cm2) 11.8{120}
13. NOZZLE-HOLDER 105071-1160
14. NOZZLE 105000-1130

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Cross reference number

BOSCH 9 400 610 357 9400610357
ZEXEL 101642-2010 1016422010
HINO 220201230A 220201230a

Zexel num
Bosch num
Firm num
9 400 610 357 
220201230A  HINO
DM100 * K 14BE PE6A PE

Calibration Data:

Adjustment conditions
Test oil
1404 Test oil
  ISO4113 or {SAEJ967d}
Test oil temperature degC   40 40 45
Nozzle and nozzle holder   105780-8140
Bosch type code   EF8511/9A
Nozzle   105780-0000
Bosch type code   DN12SD12T
Nozzle holder   105780-2080
Bosch type code   EF8511/9
Opening pressure MPa   17.2
Opening pressure kgf/cm2   175
Injection pipe
Outer diameter - inner diameter - length (mm)
mm   6-2-600
Tester oil delivery pressure kPa   157 157 157
Tester oil delivery pressure kgf/cm2   1.6 1.6 1.6
Direction of rotation (viewed from drive side)
Injection timing adjustment
Direction of rotation (viewed from drive side)
Injection order   1-4-2-6- 3-5
Pre-stroke mm   1.95 1.9 2
Beginning of injection position
Drive side
Difference between angles 1
Cal 1-4
deg.   60 59.5 60.5
Difference between angles 2
deg.   120 119.5 120.5
Difference between angles 3
Cal 1-6
deg.   180 179.5 180.5
Difference between angles 4
Cal 1-3
deg.   240 239.5 240.5
Difference between angles 5
Cal 1-5
deg.   300 299.5 300.5
Injection quantity adjustment
Adjusting point   A
Rack position   12
Pump speed r/min   800 800 800
Average injection quantity mm3/st.   43.6 42.6 44.6
Max. variation between cylinders %   0 -2 2
Basic   *
Fixing the lever   *
Injection quantity adjustment_02
Adjusting point   C
Rack position   7.7+-0.5
Pump speed r/min   225 225 225
Average injection quantity mm3/st.   7.8 6.5 9.1
Max. variation between cylinders %   0 -13 13
Fixing the rack   *

Test data Ex:

Governor adjustment

Test data 101642-2010
N:Pump speed R:Rack position (mm) (1)Target notch: K (2)At rack cap installation: R1 (3)Set minimum speed. (4)Beginning of idle sub spring operation: L1
K=18 R1=(17.5)mm L1=6+-0.2mm

Speed control lever angle

Test data 101642-2010
F:Full speed I:Idle

a=12.5deg+-5deg b=25.5deg+-5deg

Stop lever angle

Test data 101642-2010
N:Pump normal S:Stop the pump.

a=27deg+-5deg b=53deg+-5deg


Oil Consumption as an Overhaul Indicator
When an engine's oil consumption has risen to three times the initial (new) consumption rate due to normal wear, then the engine should be scheduled for overhaul. There may be a corresponding increase in blowby and a slight increase in fuel consumption.Overhaul Before Failure
A planned Overhaul Before Failure may be your best value, because you can:* Avoid costly unplanned downtime.* Reuse as many original parts as standards permit.* Extend your engine's service life without the risk of a major catastrophe had you continued to operate to failure.* Get the best cost/value relationship per hour of extended life.After Failure Overhaul
If you experience a major engine failure which requires removal of the engine from the hull, there are also many After Failure Overhaul options available. An overhaul should be performed if your block or crankshaft needs to be repaired.If the block and/or crankshaft is repairable, overhaul cost should be between 40 and 50 percent of the cost of a new engine (with like exchange core).This lower cost can be attributed to Caterpillar "designed-in" features, Caterpillar dealer and Caterpillar Remanufactured exchange components.Overhaul Recommendation
To minimize downtime and provide you with the lowest cost and highest value, Caterpillar recommends that the engine be overhauled before failure by scheduling an overhaul with your Caterpillar dealer. Overhaul programs vary with engine application and from dealer to dealer. Therefore, Caterpillar recommends that you confer with your dealer to obtain specific information regarding the types of programs offered and overhaul services provided for extending the life of your engine.If you elect to perform an overhaul without Caterpillar dealer overhaul service, you should be aware of the maintenance that follows.Inspect/Rebuild or Exchange
Cylinder Head, Connecting Rods, Pistons, Cylinder Liners, Turbocharger, Oil Pump, Spacer Plates, Fuel Ratio Control, Cam Followers, Fuel Transfer Pump, and Timing Advance.
These components should be inspected according to the instructions found in various Caterpillar reusability publications. The Index of Publications on Reusability or Salvage of Used Parts, SEBF8029, lists reusability publications needed for inspecting parts.If your parts comply with established inspection specifications expressed in the reusable parts guideline, the parts should be reused.If your parts are not within specification, the parts should be salvaged, repaired, replaced. Failure to salvage, repair, or replace out-of-spec parts can result in unscheduled downtime, costly repairs, and damage to other engine parts.In addition, using out-of-spec parts can reduce your engine's efficiency and increase fuel consumption. Reduced engine efficiency and increase fuel consumption. Reduced engine efficiency and increased fuel consumption translates into higher operating costs. Therefore, Caterpillar recommends that you salvage, repair, or replace your out-of-spec parts.Install New
Piston Rings, Main Bearings, Rod Bearings, Valve Rotators and Crankshaft Seals.
Your thrust, main, and rod bearings, valve rotators, and crankshaft seals will probably not last until your second overhaul. Caterpillar recommends the installation of new parts at each overhaul period.Inspect/Replace
Crankshaft, Camshaft, and Cam Bearings, Crankshaft Vibration Damper, Governor, Fuel Pump Camshaft, and Fuel Racks.
The ideal time for inspecting these items is while your engine is disassembled for overhaul. Inspect each

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