101607-6703 ZEXEL INJECTION-PUMP ASSEMBLY Calibration Data 1016076703


Information injection-pump assembly

ZEXEL 101607-6703 1016076703
Buy INJECTION-PUMP ASSEMBLY 101607-6703 zexel genuine, new aftermarket engine parts with delivery

Cross reference number

ZEXEL 101607-6703 1016076703

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Calibration Data:

Adjustment conditions
Test oil
1404 Test oil
  ISO4113 or {SAEJ967d}
Test oil temperature degC   40 40 45
Nozzle and nozzle holder   105780-8140
Bosch type code   EF8511/9A
Nozzle   105780-0000
Bosch type code   DN12SD12T
Nozzle holder   105780-2080
Bosch type code   EF8511/9
Opening pressure MPa   17.2
Opening pressure kgf/cm2   175
Injection pipe
Outer diameter - inner diameter - length (mm)
mm   6-2-600
Overflow valve   131424-8420
Overflow valve opening pressure kPa   255 221 289
Overflow valve opening pressure kgf/cm2   2.6 2.25 2.95
Tester oil delivery pressure kPa   157 157 157
Tester oil delivery pressure kgf/cm2   1.6 1.6 1.6
Direction of rotation (viewed from drive side)
Injection timing adjustment
Direction of rotation (viewed from drive side)
Injection order   1-5-3-6- 2-4
Pre-stroke mm   3.2 3.15 3.25
Beginning of injection position
Governor side
Difference between angles 1
Cal 1-5
deg.   60 59.5 60.5
Difference between angles 2
Cal 1-3
deg.   120 119.5 120.5
Difference between angles 3
Cal 1-6
deg.   180 179.5 180.5
Difference between angles 4
deg.   240 239.5 240.5
Difference between angles 5
Cal 1-4
deg.   300 299.5 300.5
Injection quantity adjustment
Adjusting point   -
Rack position   11.9
Pump speed r/min   850 850 850
Each cylinder's injection qty mm3/st.   86.5 83.9 89.1
Basic   *
Fixing the rack   *
Standard for adjustment of the maximum variation between cylinders   *
Injection quantity adjustment_02
Adjusting point   Z
Rack position   9.5+-0.5
Pump speed r/min   600 600 600
Each cylinder's injection qty mm3/st.   10.8 9.2 12.4
Fixing the rack   *
Standard for adjustment of the maximum variation between cylinders   *
Injection quantity adjustment_03
Adjusting point   A
Rack position   R1(11.9)
Pump speed r/min   850 850 850
Average injection quantity mm3/st.   86.5 85.5 87.5
Basic   *
Fixing the lever   *
Injection quantity adjustment_04
Adjusting point   B
Rack position   R1+0.25
Pump speed r/min   1450 1450 1450
Average injection quantity mm3/st.   88 84 92
Fixing the lever   *
Injection quantity adjustment_05
Adjusting point   C
Rack position   R1-0.4
Pump speed r/min   500 500 500
Average injection quantity mm3/st.   71.5 67.5 75.5
Fixing the lever   *
Injection quantity adjustment_06
Adjusting point   I
Rack position   -
Pump speed r/min   100 100 100
Average injection quantity mm3/st.   95 85 105
Fixing the lever   *
Rack limit   *
Timer adjustment
Pump speed r/min   950--
Advance angle deg.   0 0 0
Timer adjustment_02
Pump speed r/min   900
Advance angle deg.   0.5
Timer adjustment_03
Pump speed r/min   -
Advance angle deg.   1 0.5 1.5
Measure the actual speed.
Timer adjustment_04
Pump speed r/min   1100
Advance angle deg.   1 0.5 1.5
Timer adjustment_05
Pump speed r/min   1400
Advance angle deg.   7 6.5 7.5

Test data Ex:

Governor adjustment

Test data 101607-6703
N:Pump speed R:Rack position (mm) (1)Torque cam stamping: T1 (2)Tolerance for racks not indicated: +-0.05mm. (3)RACK LIMIT

Speed control lever angle

Test data 101607-6703
F:Full speed I:Idle (1)Stopper bolt set position 'H'

a=18.5deg+-5deg b=42deg+-3deg

Stop lever angle

Test data 101607-6703
N:Engine manufacturer's normal use S:Stop the pump. (1)Set the stopper bolt at pump speed = aa and rack position = bb (non-injection rack position). Confirm non-injection. (2)After setting the stopper bolt, confirm non-injection at speed cc. Rack position = dd (non-injection rack position). (3)Rack position = approximately ee. (4)Free (at delivery)
aa=1450r/min bb=7.2-0.5mm cc=275r/min dd=(8.8)mm ee=15mm
a=36.5deg+-5deg b=(25deg) c=13deg+-5deg

0000001501 LEVER

Test data 101607-6703
(A) Idle (B) Full speed (C) Base lever (D) Accelerator lever (E) Accelerator lever delivery position 1. Measure speed lever angle (1)Measure the angle when the accelerator lever (D) contacted the base lever (C) at a.

b=42deg+-3deg c=18.5deg+-5deg

0000001601 RACK SENSOR

Test data 101607-6703
V1:Supply voltage V2f:Full side output voltage V2i:Idle side output voltage (A) Black (B) Yellow (C) Red (D) Trimmer (E): Shaft (F) Nut (G) Load lever 1. Load sensor adjustment (1)Connect as shown in the above diagram and apply supply voltage V1. (2)Hold the load lever (G) against the full side. (3)Turn the shaft so that the voltage between (A) and (B) is V2. (4)Hold the load lever (G) against the idle side. (5)Adjust (D) so that the voltage between (A) and (B) is V2i. (6)Repeat the above adjustments. (7)Tighten the nut (F) at the point satisfying the standards. (8)Hold the load lever against the full side stopper and the idle side stopper. (9)At this time, confirm that the full side output voltage is V2f and the idle side output voltage is V2i.
V1=3.57+-0.02V V2f=3+0.05V V2i=1+0.1V

0000001701 MICRO SWITCH

Adjust the bolt to obtain the following lever position when the micro-switch is ON. 1. Microswitch adjustment (OPEN type) Confirm with the lever angle at full. (1)Speed N1 (2)Rack position Ra 2. Idle side microswitch adjustment (OPEN type) Confirm with the lever angle at idle. (1)Speed N2 (2)Rack position Rb
N1=1675r/min Ra=8.5+-0.1mm N2=275r/min Rb=9.7+-0.1mm

Timing setting

Test data 101607-6703
(1)Pump vertical direction (2)Position of timer's tooth at No 1 cylinder's beginning of injection (3)B.T.D.C.: aa (4)-


When all details are filled in, select "Submit".Note: Two labels and a serial number plate will be sent to the dealer address. If two labels are not received, contact Global_Engine_Marking.
Illustration 14 g03159376
Install the new emissions certification film (6), information label (7), and serial number plate on the cylinder block according to the installation instructions received with the labels and plate.Note: Destroy the old emissions certification film and serial number plate.Operation and Maintenance information
There are several specific messages on this machine. The exact location of the messages and the description of the messages are reviewed in this section. Become familiarized with all messages.Make sure that all of the messages are legible. Clean the messages or replace the messages if you cannot read the words. Replace the illustrations if the illustrations are not legible. When you clean the messages, use a cloth, water, and soap. Do not use solvent, gasoline, or other harsh chemicals to clean the messages. Solvents, gasoline, or harsh chemicals could loosen the adhesive that secures the messages. Loose adhesive will allow the messages to fall.Replace any message that is damaged, or missing. If a message is attached to a part that is replaced, install a message on the replacement part. Any Cat® dealer can provide new messages.
Illustration 15 g03518298
Location of films (1) Engine Oil film (2) Diesel Fuel Requirements filmEngine Oil (1)
This film is located on the engine oil filler tube on the right side of the machine.
Illustration 16 g02448560
Cat® DEO-ULS oils and oils that satisfy the "API CJ-4"and/or "ACEA E9" requirements are required for engines that are equipped with a diesel particulate filter.Diesel Fuel Requirements (2)
This film is located by the fuel filler on the right side of the machine.
Illustration 17 g03619316
Use Ultralow Sulfur Diesel (ULSD) fuel.The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) defines Ultra-Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD - S15) as "a diesel fuel with a sulfur content not to exceed 15 parts per million (ppm(mg/kg)) or 0.0015 percent by weight". Engines are equipped with exhaust after-treatment systems are designed to run on ULSD only. Use of LSD or fuels higher than 15 ppm (mg/kg) sulfur in these engines will reduce engine efficiency and engine durability. Damage to the emissions control systems and/or shortened service interval will occur. Failures that result form the use of fuels are not Caterpillar factory defects. Therefore the cost of repairs would not be covered by a Caterpillar warranty.In Europe, ultra low sulfur diesel fuel will have a maximum of 0.0010 percent (10 ppm(mg/kg)) sulfur and is typically referred to as "sulfur-free". This sulfur level is defined in European Standard "EN 590:2004".Lubricant Viscosities - Fluids Recommendations
Engine Oil
Cat® oils have been developed and tested to provide the full performance and life that has been designed and built into Cat® engines.
Illustration 18 g02448560
Cat® DEO-ULS or oils that meet the Cat® ECF-3 specification and the API CJ-4 are required for use in the applications listed below. Cat® DEO-ULS and oils meeting Cat® ECF-3 specification and the API CJ-4 and ACEA E9 oil categories have been developed with limited sulfated ash,

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