Information injection-pump assembly
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White Smoke Recommended Procedure1. Cold Outside Temperatures When the air outside is cold, the cylinder temperature is cooler. Not all the fuel will burn in the cylinders. The fuel which does not burn comes out the exhaust as white smoke. White smoke is normal in cold temperatures until the engine operates long enough to become warm. There will be less white smoke if No. 1 diesel fuel is used.2. Long Idle Periods When an engine runs at idle speed for a long period of time, the cylinders cool and all of the fuel does not burn. Do not idle an engine for a long period of time. Stop an engine when it is not in use. If long idle periods are necessary use No. 1 diesel fuel.3. Low Quality Fuel Test the engine with fuel according to recommendations by Caterpillar Tractor Co.4. Air in Fuel System With air in the fuel system the engine will normally be difficult to start, run rough and release a large amount of white smoke. Remove the air from the fuel system by either loosening the cap on the tee at the fuel filter, or by loosening the fuel line nuts one at a time at the cylinder heads. Turn the engine with the starter until the fuel flow at this connection is free of air. If air is not removed in this way put 5 psi (0,35 kg/cm2) [CAUTION do not use more than 8 psi (0,56 kg/cm2)] of air pressure to the tank and check for leaks at connections between the fuel tank and the fuel transfer pump. If there are no leaks at the connections, remove the fuel supply line from the tank and connect it to an outside fuel supply. If this corrects the problem the suction line (standpipe) inside the fuel tank has a leak.5. Fuel Injection Timing Not Correct Check and make necessary adjustments as per Testing and Adjusting section of the Service Manual.6. Automatic Timing Advance Does Not Operate Correctly Check with engine warm. Use the 1P3500 Timing Light Group. Special Instruction (SMHS6964) gives the test procedure. If the timing light is not available, make rapid "acceleration" (increase in speed) from low idle to high idle. Engine must have smooth acceleration. A timing advance that does not operate correctly can cause delays of the engine acceleration at some rpm before high idle, or possibly cause the engine to run rough and have exhaust noise (backfire) during acceleration. This condition is difficult to find if engine acceleration is slow or at a constant engine rpm.7. Valve Adjustment Not Correct Check and make necessary adjustments as per Testing and Adjusting section of the Service Manual. Intake valve adjustment is .015 in. (0,38 mm) and exhaust valve adjustment is .025 in. (0,64 mm).8. Bad Fuel Nozzle(s) Bad fuel nozzles will normally cause the engine to "misfire" (ignition not regular) and run rough, but can cause too much smoke and the engine still be running smooth. Remove the fuel