Information hydraulic governor

Cross reference number
Zexel num
Bosch num
Firm num
Determine the fuel rail pressure and the injector test engine speed (where the peak pressure was selected). Typically, pressure will start building after 2 to 5 seconds and then there should be sampling for 5 more seconds. Illustration 7 shows an example of selecting the peak pressure and corresponding speed.
Calculate the speed change of the injector test as follows:Injector test speed change equals injector test engine speed minus pump test engine speed.
Determine injector pressure correction using the injector test speed change and Table 5. This will correct for pressure change as speed changes.
Table 5
Injector Pressure Correction Based on Speed Change
Engine speed change (rpm) 0-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35
Six-cylinder pressure correction 283 kPa (41 psi) 896 kPa (130 psi) 1455 kPa (211 psi) 2013 kPa (292 psi) 2572 kPa (373 psi) 3130 kPa (454 psi) 3689 kPa (535 psi)
Four-cylinder pressure correction 159 kPa (23 psi) 510 kPa (74 psi) 834 kPa (121 psi) 1151 kPa (167 psi) 1469 kPa (213 psi) 1793 kPa (260 psi) 2110 kPa (306 psi)
If the injector test engine speed is lower than pump test engine speed, then correct the injector pressure by adding the correction as follows:Injector corrected pressure equals injector test pressure plus injector pressure correction.
If the injector test engine speed is higher than pump test engine speed (as can happen when a battery booster is used), then correct the injector test pressure by subtracting the pressure correction as follows:Injector corrected pressure equals injector test pressure minus injector pressure correction.
Calculate injector leakage ratio as follows:Injector leakage ratio equals injector corrected pressure divided by pump test rail pressure.If the Injector leakage ratio is less than 0.85, the injector must be replaced, if the injector leakage is greater than 0.85 the injector is within the required parameters.Remove the fuel line. Replace the cap on the fuel manifold (rail) and injector.
Proceed to the next injector to be checked. Repeat Step 1 through Step 8 for the remaining electronic unit injectors to be tested.
Remove components of 362-9754 Test Kit from the engine. Replace any fuel injection lines that were removed during the procedures. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, Fuel Injection Lines - Install for the correct procedure.
Reconnect the electronic unit injector harness connectors.Test Kit Data Sheet
Table 6
Fuel Injection Pump Tests Pump Test Rail Pressure Pump Test Engine Speed Minimum Cranking Pressure (MCP) Service
From Pump Test Datalog From Pump