Information hand primer
F 01G 19U 005
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Oils that have more than 1% total sulfated ash should not be used in aftertreatment device equipped engines.In order to achieve expected ash service intervals, performance, and life, aftertreatment device equipped diesel engines require the use of Cat DEO-ULS or oils meeting the Cat ECF-3 specification and the API CJ-4 oil category. Use of oils with more than 1% total sulfated ash in aftertreatment device equipped engines will cause the need for more frequent ash service intervals, and/or cause loss of performance. Refer to your engine specific Operation and Maintenance Manual, and refer to your aftertreatment device documentation for additional guidance.
API category oils that have not met the requirements of at least one Cat ECF specification may cause reduced engine life.
In selecting oil for any engine application, both the oil viscosity and oil performance category/specification as specified by the engine manufacturer must be defined and satisfied. Using only one of these parameters will not sufficiently define oil for an engine application.
In order to make the proper diesel engine oil viscosity grade choice, refer to the applicable “Lubricant Viscosities for Ambient Temperatures” table in this Special Publication.
Failure to follow these oil recommendations can cause shortened engine service life due to deposits and/or excessive wear.
Total Base Number (TBN) and Fuel Sulfur Levels for Direct Injection (DI) Diesel Engines
The minimum required Total Base Number (TBN) for oil depends on the fuel sulfur level. The TBN for new oil is typically determined by the "ASTM D2896" procedure. For direct injection engines that use distillate fuel, the following guidelines apply.
Table 3
TBN recommendations for applications in Cat engines
Fuel Sulfur Level percent (ppm) Cat Engine Oils TBN of Commercial Engine Oils
≤0.05 percent (≤500 ppm) Cat DEO-ULS, Cat DEO Min 7
0. 1 - 0.05 percent (1000-500 ppm) Cat DEO-ULS, Cat DEO Min 7
Above 0.1 percent (above 1000 ppm) Cat DEO Min 10 Reaching one half of new oil TBN is one of the condemning factors for diesel engine oil. In order to help provide the best protection for your engine, Cat S O S Services oil analysis is the preferred method for determining oil life. TBN of the oil is typically measured using "ASTM D2896" and/or the "ASTM D4739" test methods. It is recommended to change the oil when one half of new oil TBN with either method is reached.For example, new oil with a TBN of 10 by "ASTM D2896" should be changed when, during use, the TBN deteriorates to 5 as determined by the "ASTM D2896" test method. New oil with a TBN of 10 by "ASTM D4739" should be changed when, during use, the TBN deteriorates to 5 as determined by the "ASTM D4739" test method.Note: TBN is also commonly referred to as Base Number (BN).Excessive piston deposits can be produced by oil with a high TBN and/or high ash. These deposits can lead to a loss of control of the oil consumption and to the polishing of the cylinder bore.The use of Cat S O S Services oil analysis helps the environmental