101060-3290 ZEXEL 9 410 610 227 BOSCH FUEL-INJECTION PUMP 9410610227 1010603290


Information fuel-injection pump

BOSCH 9 410 610 227 9410610227
ZEXEL 101060-3290 1010603290
Buy FUEL-INJECTION PUMP 101060-3290 zexel genuine, new aftermarket engine parts with delivery

Scheme ###:

1. [1] 131071-6620 PUMP HOUSING
1/30. [3] 029040-6220 STUD
1/35A. [1] 134026-0000 CAPSULE
1/40. [1] 131423-0900 ADAPTOR
1/40A. [1] 131423-0900 ADAPTOR
2. [1] 131028-6020 COVER
2/2. [1] 131011-0800 GASKET
3. [2] 131017-1000 FLAT-HEAD SCREW
5. [2] 029340-6020 GASKET
16. [6] 131034-1401 CAPSULE
20. [3] 014110-6440 LOCKING WASHER D12.2&6.1T1.5
21. [3] 013030-6040 UNION NUT
23. [1] 029633-1010 O-RING
30. [6] 131152-5720 PLUNGER-AND-BARREL ASSY A191
36. [6] 131160-2820 DELIVERY-VALVE ASSEMBLY 11A
37. [6] 131112-4900 COILED SPRING
40. [6] 131115-1600 GASKET
41. [6] 131116-7600 FITTING
42. [6] 131117-2300 FILLER PIECE
45. [3] 131122-0520 PLATE
49. [6] 029632-0030 O-RING
55. [6] 131200-0620 TAPPET
55/2. [6] 131201-0100 UNION NUT
55/3. [6] 131202-0100 HEXAGON SCREW
55/4. [6] 131203-0200 BEARING PIN
55/5. [6] 131204-1000 ROLLER
55/6. [6] 131205-0500 BUSHING
55/7. [6] 131206-0200 SLIDER
61. [6] 131215-2400 COMPRESSION SPRING
62. [6] 131216-0100 SLOTTED WASHER
63. [6] 131217-0100 SLOTTED WASHER
67. [1] 131256-0000 CONTROL RACK
68. [1] 131226-0300 FLAT-HEAD SCREW
76. [6] 131240-0100 PINION
77. [6] 131241-0100 CONTROL SLEEVE
78. [6] 131242-0100 FLAT-HEAD SCREW
90. [1] 131371-0700 CAMSHAFT
91A. [1] 016640-2030 BEARING PLATE HR30204J(NSK)
91B. [1] 028202-0020 BEARING PLATE 4T-30204E1(TOYO)
91E. [1] 016630-2030 BEARING PLATE HR30203J(NSK)
91F. [1] 028201-7020 BEARING PLATE 4T-30203E1(TOYO)
92. [1] 131302-0300 SPACER RING
92A. [1] 131302-1301 SPACER RING
93/1. [0] 029311-7010 SHIM D22&17T0.1
93/1. [0] 029311-7020 SHIM D22&17T0.12
93/1. [0] 029311-7030 SHIM D22&17T0.14
93/1. [0] 029311-7040 SHIM D22&17T0.16
93/1. [0] 029311-7050 SHIM D22&17T0.18
93/1. [0] 029311-7060 SHIM D22&17T0.5
93/1. [0] 029311-7070 SHIM D22&17T1.0
93/1. [0] 029311-7090 SHIM D22&17T0.3
93/1. [0] 029311-7210 SHIM D22&17T0.7
93/1. [0] 029311-7220 SHIM D22&17T1.4
93/1. [0] 139417-0000 SHIM D22&17T2.4
93A/1. [0] 029312-0310 SHIM D24&20T0.10
93A/1. [0] 029312-0320 SHIM D24&20T0.12
93A/1. [0] 029312-0330 SHIM D24&20T0.14
93A/1. [0] 029312-0340 SHIM D24&20T0.16
93A/1. [0] 029312-0350 SHIM D24&20T0.18
93A/1. [0] 029312-0360 SHIM D24&20T0.3
93A/1. [0] 029312-0370 SHIM D24&20T0.5
93A/1. [0] 029312-0380 SHIM D24&20T1.0
95. [1] 131306-0800 BEARING SHELL
96. [2] 029050-5010 FLAT-HEAD SCREW
97. [2] 026505-0940 GASKET
100A. [1] 029622-0190 PACKING RING
101A. [1] 131316-2000 COVER
104A. [4] 020006-1440 BLEEDER SCREW
106A. [1] 029635-0050 O-RING
112A. [1] 029470-4030 WOODRUFF KEY
131. [1] 029731-4680 EYE BOLT
131A. [1] 131424-1520 OVER FLOW VALVE
132. [2] 026514-1840 GASKET
132A. [2] 026514-1840 GASKET
152. [1] 029731-2010 EYE BOLT
154. [2] 026512-1540 GASKET
334. [1] 029731-0120 EYE BOLT
336. [2] 026510-1340 GASKET
360A. [1] 131496-1000 POINTER
361A. [2] 029010-6680 BLEEDER SCREW

Cross reference number

Zexel num
Bosch num
Firm num
9 410 610 227 


Adjust - to conform and correspond to specifications. Check - to observe for satisfactory conditions, accuracy, safety or performance. Exchange - to trade a worn or failing component for a remanufactured or rebuilt component. Inspect - to examine closely, in critical appraisal, while testing or evaluating components or systems. Inspect/Rebuild or Exchange - to examine closely; then making the decision on repair option (Rebuild or Exchange). Lubricate - to apply a lubricant (oil, grease, etc.) as specified for reducing friction, heat and wear between solid surfaces. Protective Devices - indicators such as gauges, lights, emergency shutoffs, etc., that alert the pilot that a potential problem may exist. Failure to respond to these indicators in a timely manner could result in serious engine damage. Rebuild - to repair a worn or failing component with new parts, components and/or remanufactured components. Replace - to install something new, remanufactured or rebuilt in place of an existing worn or failing component. Service Hours (Electrical) - records the time (clock hours) the engine is actually running but does not reflect variations in speed, load, etc. The Maintenance Schedules are developed for calendar time, clock hours or fuel consumption. For most users, Service Meter Units and clock hours can be roughly equal. However, Caterpillar recommends that fuel consumption be used as the preferred method of establishing intervals rather than time, SMU's or clock hours.Maintenance Intervals
The Maintenance Schedule requires all previous interval maintenance items to be performed first. For instance, if the Every 250 Hour maintenance is being done, then the Every 50 Hour and Daily maintenance items must be completed BEFORE performing the Every 250 Hour maintenance.Engines may be equipped with various optional components and the charts may recommend maintenance for items not installed on your engine. Simply disregard reference to any extraneous items. If unsure of any item, consult your Caterpillar dealer.Overhaul Interval
The last interval in the chart lists the components inspected, rebuilt, exchanged or replaced at overhaul. OVERHAUL is defined as the interval at which the major wear items in the engine should be replaced. The Overhaul interval represents overhaul of a non-failed engine. In other words, the engine is being rebuilt with certain new parts replacing worn parts such as piston rings, engine rod and main bearings, valves and valve seats., etc.Incidental to the replacement of these relatively few parts is the complete inspection of all other parts that are visible during the overhaul of the engine. The disassembly required to do an overhaul means that disturbed seals and gaskets, etc., will be replaced, and the internal passages of the engine and block be cleaned.* The OVERHAUL interval assumes that regular maintenance recommendations in the rest of the chart have been carefully followed.* Some users may obtain significantly longer or shorter life than the chart recommends between overhauls, but if the recommended intervals are followed, OVERHAULS will occur BEFORE actual FAILURE, and the total COST of operation will be minimized.Although most users will obtain more life between overhauls than

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